Issues the aging workforce face and what can be done to address them are complex.
We all age, and along with it there will be natural declines and there will be upsides. In some cases, age-related differences are disadvantages for older workers because their work performance may be diminished relative to that of younger workers. For example, older workers may have decreased capacity to sustain heavy physical labor for extended periods, although not necessarily true in all cases. In other cases, age-related differences are disadvantageous to older workers because their susceptibility to environmental hazards is increased. For example, poor eyesight and hearing are associated with occupational injuries among older workers. As well, older workers generally do not tolerate working in hot conditions the same as younger workers.
In still other cases, however, changes associated with age may actually enhance capabilities and performance at work. For example, crystallized knowledge (that which has accumulated and is stored) and its positive impact on work is likely to be greater in a 50-year-old than a 20-year-old worker. Invaluable lessons learned and experience is a significant benefit of age in the workplace.