Project Supporters


Key Supporters

This project relies on support from key supporters in an undertaking to address issues in an aging workforce. Many supporters have stepped up and are noted below. Some of the comments received in their letters of support reinforce and acknowledge the extent of the issue and reflect their commitment to safer and healthier workplaces.

"...recognizes that our aging workforce presents significant challenges and costs for both workers and employers, and without new resources and developments in the system these challenges and costs are only likely to increase."

"We believe that a focused approach to collecting, analyzing and implementation of targeted solutions has tremendous value in driving awareness, understanding and ultimately accident prevention."

"...will successfully address the gap in educational resources for our aging workforce, a segment of our population who has been disregarded by the sector because the focus has primarily been on recruitment of new entrants."

AMW’s key supporters will also assist in sharing this project and its resources to their target audiences and supporting groups.